Onion Chive - 1 bunch - approx 50g
Chives are rich in vitamin C, and contain carotene, vitamin B1 and B2, calcium, and iron.
Chives can be used in both raw and cooked applications. Traditionally chives are a classic element of pad Thai and many other Asian dishes. They can be used in stir-fry, tempura, stuffed into dumplings, and used in egg dishes. Yummy!
Chives can also be minced and used to finish meat, poultry, or seafood dishes and used to flavor soups, marinades, vinegar, and dipping sauces. Chives pair well with fresh herbs, soft cheeses, mushrooms, noodles, meats, and chilies.
Garlic chives will keep for a few days when stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Onion Chive - 1 bunch
Grown in Australian Certified Organic soil and fertiliser
Chemical free spray free
No GMO's
Hand-harvest in season
Caterpillars or aphids may be present. We do our best to select leaves without holes
Please store in an airtight container or a plastic warp to keep the moisture in. Shelf life: 7 days in fridge, or 3 days with stem in water